Credits, References and Thanks
This labour of love would not have been possible without the help of the Rotchell family - and especially the understanding and patience of my lovely wife Jane, who allowed me to lock myself away for hours on end, when there were far more pressing things demanding my attention!
My thanks go out to the wonderful people of Orkney, for their kindness and enthusiasm.....especially:
Willy Budge,
George Esson,
Mike Cowdry,
Hazel Scott,
Brian Budge,
Alastair Cormack at The Orkney View magazine,
John George Halcro.
A special note of thanks to Bob Sissons, for making contact originally and providing his priceless documentation and information. Also, to Ray Sissons for his photographs and contributions.
Sadly, I have learned that Bob Sissons passed away suddenly on December 21st, 2006 and my thoughts are with his wife Jan and children. I only knew him briefly as an internet correspondent, but I was immediately struck by his warmth and enthusiasm. These pages are dedicated to him.
Another special 'thank you' goes out to Bob & Sue Hamilton, Pete Brady, Slim Stinson and Geoff Goodwin for finding the Stanley Cubiss ring and allowing me to publish the details of their amazing find on this site.
Thanks also, to my Internet friends:
Bernhard Sage,
Dave Hepper.
Credit must also go to:
Michael Brady Snr.,
Michael Brady Jnr.,
Terry and Mary Roberts,
K.D. McBride,
The Society for Nautical Research,
The Imperial War Museum Photograph Archive,
The Public Record Office of Great Britain.
And last, but not least... a very big thank you to the Orkney cormorant that rescued the brass name plate from the sea, creating such a wonderful tale to keep alive the memory of Frederick James Rotchell, his shipmates and all those that gave their lives during World War I
Kieran Brady, August 2001.